Monday, July 16, 2012

Fixing Our Eating Problems

(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

In a study that is the first of its kind, the results are not so pleasant. According to the first national study to target the prevalence of eating disorders, the numbers of eating disorders in both men and women are up across the boards; binge eating, of the major ones, is higher than both anorexia and bulimia.

The study, published in the journal, Biological Psychiatry, found that 0.6 percent of the population has anorexia, 1 percent has bulimia and 2.8 percent has a binge-eating disorder. This, to me, is absolutely tragic and terrible. Obesity continues to be a much larger, much scarier issue, but seeing things on the other side of the map is just as bad. What I always push for, always want to see, is the number of healthy body weights, healthy fitness routines and positive body images.

The trouble is, the binge-eating disorder also plays a factor in obesity, especially severe obesity. Perhaps future studies will dissect the link between binge-eating and obesity and figure out what it is that makes both things as prevalent as they are. In the meantime, just focus on healthy diet and exercise ideas, and try to maintain a positive body image!
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