Monday, December 3, 2012

Staying Fit and Healthy

Not Eating This
Quite proud of how things have being going with my food diet, I've had only healthy things in the last two days. I'm probably saving 500 calories a day, but finding that now the sugar levels are lower, it certainly is a bit easier to hypo all over the place.

Stacked is getting mixed reviews in America, so am staying away for now, until Poker Academy arrives at least. Then I can get to work getting ready for the Festival, which I will register for next week, where hopefully I can cash in one of the events and show a profit for the 3 day event. I am going to enter one of the side events and have two cracks at getting into the large buy-in event where the money is worth having! Am getting an email about possibly running poker tournaments in the North East for some extra money in pubs, I've done this sort of thing before and it sounds pretty fun, and more importantly relatively easy money. I have a tour booked for the gym for Saturday after my eye test. Should be good as long as its well-priced I'll sign up.

Until the mean time, it's time to go to the grocery store to pick out my food for the next week. I'm on a plan, and I believe that I am in good form at the moment to lose 6 pounds. We'll see how things progress however. I have a friend who is looking for family practice jobs using Leap Doctor, and he says things are going well for me. Always good to get a thumbs up from a physician! If I don't reach out before the holidays, I hope that everyone travels safely and has a great time!


  1. We recently discovered your blog and think it's great.We just started ours about two weeks ago.Yes exciting,but we can certainly understand that it can be time-consuming and perhaps a little daunting.We agree that though making a food taste more like itself than seems possible takes a little more time, it is most assuredly worth the effort-it's a constant quest for us!

    For food storage:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Healthy foods are needed for our life. It help us to stay fit.

    please visit my website: Food Storage
